
Welcome to the information site for the course APPD-2995:

 "APPLIED DESIGN CAPSTONE" in the Applied Design Program at Pierpont Community & Technical College

This is your CAPSTONE course! You are towards the end and preparing for graduation and your degree!  

Remember you must complete this course in the final semester.  

Now, we are ready to begin our course.

Please make sure your computer devices are up to date on supporting browsers and review the course syllabus.

Opening Course Remarks:

Let's BEGIN!

In this class, we work on preparing you for a professional presence with

The course is 3 credit hours.  

You are expected to complete end of program exams and institutional exit exams.

The student will complete work for each 1-hour credit as follows:

1 Credit Hour towards the course   (value 33.3% of grade)

1 Credit Hour towards the course   (value 33.3% of grade)

Form are below

1 Credit Hour towards the course   (value 33.3% of grade)

Self Evaluation Report APPD 2995 Practicum Form 2022.docx
Job EXPERIENCE Report APPD 2995 Practicum Form 2022.docx
Time Sheet Report APPD 2995 Practicum Form 2022.docx
Supervisor Evaluation Report APPD 2995 Practicum Form 2022.docx

Course Summary:

The practicum course is the applied design student's Capstone Course.  It is here where we see the results of the courses and projects the students have invested themselves into with the expectation of a successful career in design.  It is also our practice to have the student be enrolled in the final credit hour of this course in the last semester.  There is an "End of Program"  test in this final semester.

Student Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the Applied Design program, students will be able to do the following: