
Applied Design Students

Beginning Recommendations

This section will go over what you may need in terms of technology.

Location and Classes

The Applied Design Classes are offered in a variety of ways for our students.  The program has a state of the art Design Lab on the main campus.  Many classes are hybrid or where we meet once a week while the students have another lesson online to complete.  We also offer online courses where the instructors teach through forms of communication with the technology.

Our students need to have access to a reliable computer.  The college's learning management system is Blackboard. The Pierpont student will have an Office 365 email that typically reflects your UCA with the extension of [studentUCA@students.pierpont.edu]

You begin your day:

Pierpont uses Microsoft Office 365 that has a default browser called Edge.  But, DO NOT USE EDGE.

I recommend that you use Google Chrome.  This will not be affiliated with Pierpont.

(you will need to create your own profile that comes with a Gmail)

Our Website has a new opening

cover page background.

Our Portal page has updated the 

APPS to access, too!


You will need to manage your documents in the Office 365 Cloud Drive or "One Drive."

Microsoft Office 365 App Opening Page

We also recommend that you have an external drive with you to backup your documents and projects as you complete the four (4) semesters.  Your college email and drive access will only last 60-90 days following graduation.

The Program also recommends that when you create a profile for the Chrome Browser, you keep this as a personal Google account that provides you with an email and access to the Google Applications including SITES and DRIVE.