Google Sites for Portfolio


On this page you will be lead through the steps in developing and launching your digital portfolio.

What is a Digital Portfolio?

Simply, it is an electronic collection of your accomplishments and reflective learning over time. Your digital portfolio is a place for you to record, explore, and reflect on your academic-professional journey, and it can serve many different audiences.  

SITE:  GOOGLE SEARCH "What is a Digital Portfolio for graduates?"

Why Every Student Needs a Digital Portfolio

Connect Academic Projects to the Workplace

Take a moment to explore the digital portfolios created by students below. As you scroll through, consider this question: 

"Who would you be more inclined to engage with - an individual presenting a traditional paper resume, or one showcasing a vibrant, interactive portfolio?"

Think about this “resume vs. portfolio” question in the context of your journey through college or university. You've completed countless projects, each one a testament to your commitment, ingenuity, and intellectual prowess. These projects often demand a diverse array of skills such as research, teamwork, problem-solving, and communication. These are not just academic skills, they are transferable skills - skills that hold immense value in the professional world. 

A digital portfolio is the key to showcasing this potential. It provides a platform to display your projects and to articulate how the skills you've developed during these projects are relevant and valuable in the workplace. It's a dynamic, visual representation of your abilities, and it speaks volumes more than a traditional resume ever could. (1)

Citiations/Source(1) Wix Higher Education, June 27, 2023; LinkedIn; Accessed Nov 17, 2023;
Portfolio Development.pdf

Begin Here Part 1

Presentation PDF 

How to prepare your Portfolio

Link to PDF here  OPEN


PDFs and Images

Prepare your items that you would present and have access to on your portfolio site.  I recommend PDF and JPG or PNG


Look at other sites.

Get inspired!  See what is popular and welcoming.  Look at the navigation and think about your experience as you are browsing the portfolio.

Portfolio Development Part 2 Building the Site.pdf

Part 2:  Building YOUR Site with Google

Remember this is for your career as a professional.

The site name and documents will be published for viewing.

Portfolio Part 3.pdf